
Showing posts from October, 2013

Wordless Wednesday


Disney Medley

My favorite part is at :9 -  :10 :)

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 --- I found this on Facebook and I had to share it here :) --- 2 --- Last week on Saturday (the 19th) was TJ's last soccer game for the year. It was boys against girls and the boys won with the score being 7-0. But they had just played each other an hour before for the girls  teams  last game and the girls won that game. So each team got to win their last game and they were all even :) --- 3 ---  My friend Janny is hosting a Facebook event for authors and NaNoWriMo participants. There will be word wars, writing chats, and perhaps a little procrastination. It's meant to be a place of support for authors, and you're welcome even if you're not doing NaNo. Please join--and invite friends! You can find the link for the event below and here :) --- 4 --- Tuesday we got a little bit of snow flurries. As much as I like watching snow fall, I'm not quote ready for it. I suppose it's
I apologize for not posting at all last week. The reason is that my grandpa passed away last week on Sunday. So please pray for all of us as we adjust to life without him. I will hopefully have the couple posts a week that I was doing up and running again next week :)

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 --- Next month is NaNoWriMo !!!! I can't wait to start writing my story :D --- 2 --- This is a sneak peak at the legwarmers I'm making :) --- 3 --- This is something that I found on Pinterest last week :) --- 4 --- This was also found on Pinterest. --- 5 --- Last week was the fall/winter Free For All that members of the homeschool group, that my family belongs too, runs. Wednesday night was set up and drop off night. I was able to go drop off the several bins and bags that we had and I found anothe.. flannel sheet so I am now able to finish the blanket  that I started making a while ago out of old t-shirts. I was also able to get a couple more shirts in case I need extra for the blanket :) Once it is actually finished I will post pictures of the blanket :) --- 6 --- In case I haven't mentioned them already, some friends of our's just came out with a cd on the 7th. Their group is Simonetta & FourEver! My family has gotten

Because Computers are Annoying And Other Things

Since I have a post for four days out of the week I decided to do a post today as well. Even though I do updates in the 7 Quick Takes each week I needed a separate post to ramble in. To start with the first part of the title of this part and why computers are annoying, as great as it is to have my own laptop it has had a virus :P So I had to back up all of my pictures and documents. And that part has been a long process because I have a lot of pictures on my computer to back up and that in and of it's self takes a while. It would have been nice if I had actually backed up all of my pictures as I put them on my computer but I decided to procrastinate and not do that until now. The same goes to all of my writing documents. Since I have made several candles my mom wanted me to make a fall candle to put on our kitchen table. For the colors I used a orange for the bottom with brown, a redish color and another orange color and brownish color on top of that. I am working on a short f

Wordless Wednesday


Creative Gifts

Several weeks ago I found this idea on Pinterest for making candles . All you need to make the candle, besides the obvious wick and holder, is white or off-white wax and crayons. While I was making five to give as gifts I took a couple pictures. Supplies: Pre-shredded white or off-white wax (it works better than shredding up a candle) Wicks Clear empty votive candle holders Crayons Popsicle sticks Dixie cups A microwave An old towel an Exacto knife To start out you have to take the wrappers off of the crayons and you can use an exacto knife to make it easier. After that you put some wax in dixie cup and melt it in the microwave so that you can make sure the bottom of the wick is secure in the candle holder. While that is hardening break up the crayon that you want on the bottom of the candle and melt it with a small handful of wax. Once it is melted use a popsicle stick to stir it together. You may need a little more wax to it. When I was making them I found that stick

Feast of Our Lady of the Rosary

St. Pius V (April 30) established this feast in 1573. The purpose was to thank God for the victory of Christians over the Turks at Lepanto—a victory attributed to the praying of the rosary. Clement XI extended the feast to the universal Church in 1716. (taken from American “The rosary, though clearly Marian in character, is at heart a Christ-centered prayer. It has all the depth of the gospel messge in its entirety. It is an echo of the prayer of Mary, her perennial Magnificat for the work of the redemptive Incarnation which began in her virginal womb.... It can be said that the rosary is, in some sense, a prayer-commentary on the final chapter of the Vatican II Constitution  Lumen Gentium , a chapter that discusses the wondrous presence of the Mother of God in the mystery of Christ and the Church" (Pope John Paul II, apostolic letter  The Rosary of the Virgin Mary ).

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 --- Though I haven't started making it yet I found a pattern for a afghan/blanket, which I mentioned in my quick takes from last week. The squares have been sitting in a pile for sine the beginning of last week. But I have started making different balls of all of the colors that I will be using for the blanket. Here is the link to the pattern that I will be using for the afghan! --- 2 --- --- 3 --- --- 4 --- Lord, make me an instrument of Your peace. Where there is hatred, let me sow love; where there is injury, pardon; where there is doubt, faith; where there is despair, hope; where there is darkness, light; and where there is sadness, joy. Divine Master, grant that I may not so much seek to be consoled as to console; to be understood as to understand; to be loved as to love; for it is in giving that we receive; it is in pardoning that we are pardoned; and it is in dying that we are born to eternal life. --- 5 --- When I first starte

Wordless Wednesday


Feast of St. Therese the Little Flower

“I will let fall from Heaven...a Shower of Roses”--St. Therese MIRACULOUS INVOCATION TO ST. THERESE O glorious Saint Therese, whom almighty God has raised up to aid and counsel mankind, I implore your Miraculous Intercession. So powerful are you in obtaining every need of body and soul our Holy Mother Church proclaims you a “Prodigy of Miracles...the Greatest Saint of Modern times.” Now I fervently beseech you to answer my petition (mention here) and to carry out your promises of spending Heaven doing good upon earth...of letting fall from Heaven a Shower of Roses. Henceforth, dear Little Flower, I will fulfill your plea” to be made known everywhere” and I will never cease to lead others to Jesus through you. Amen