
Showing posts from July, 2014

Random Middle of the Week Post

This week is my family's vacation. On the 26th our church was having a BBQ with the Bishop to help raise money for the shrine to St. Gianna Molla and one Sunday we went to a presentation that one of my dad's cousin's was giving by the canal about an art piece that he did and was in the canal. Monday morning we went for a seventeen mile bike ride and it took us 2 hours and 15 mins to do it all. The first part of the ride was really nice because the trail went through some forest preseves as well as past some nice subdivisions. Once we were done we all agreed that we could have gone without the second half of the loop because it went past a bunch of smelly warehouses and past several busy roads. We were sore after that and when we got home most of us took naps. Tuesday afternoon we went to the waterpark that is about 25 minutes from our house. It was fun. One of the water slides that I went on was covered and pitch black so it was a little scary going down. When AJ went down

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 --- Since it as been a while since I did a 7 Quick Takes post on here I decided to do it again this week instead of doing a not very well structured post of what I am saying here. Plus I needed to do a post since I didn't do one last week. --- 2 --- Tuesday evening my sisters and I had a bonfire at our house with a bunch of friends. Even though I missed most of the event, because I had to work late, I still got to see some friends that I haven't seen in a while. After a while there was a free lightning show. --- 3 --- On Wednesday we had chiropractor appointment and it was amazing, especially since we haven't gone in a while. --- 4 --- The nice thing about the brief rain storm that we had Tuesday night was the cooler weather that came with it. One thing that I don't like during summer is the really hot days, so any less hot or cool summer days that come around I enjoy. So having cooler weather after having rather hot weather the day before is a ni

Theme Thursday: Bright

This weeks Theme Thursday is Bright. Don't forget to stop over at Clan Donaldson to add yourself to the link up.
Welcome to another one of my random blog posts where I talk about a bunch of random things because I didn't feel like actually doing more than one blog post about each subject. Monday night I was going to do a post about the weather and the storm that blew through the area, but as soon as I started writing the post it felt like I had already written about it before so I got rid of that post. Then I was going to do a post about the second Captain America movie since my family saw it this week, but then I decided not to do that either. So now I am doing a random post about different things that I was going to post about but didn't end up doing. There was suppose to be a post yesterday, but that obviously didn't happen. But that was partly because my family and I were over at a friend's house helping clean up all of the branches and trees that were in their yard after the storm Monday night. After spending pretty much all day cutting up as much of the three large oak tree