
Showing posts from January, 2020


Don't doubt what you're capable of! # MondayMotivation Grammarly* *Reposting this from the Grammarly Facebook Page

How Do You Organize Your Blogging Space?

I want to start off by saying that I am not the best at being organized. Whether it’s with blogging, writing a story, or in life. Sometimes I can be organized, but that doesn’t happen very often. taken by me in 2017 Normally when I blog, I am sitting at one end of my dining room table since I don’t have my own desk space. But over the holidays my laptop and everything that normally sits on the table has been in my backpack since two of my siblings came home for several weeks and then we had two parties at our house. So I have been a little bit more organized than I normally am. Though when it’s not the holidays and we aren’t hosting what feels like a million events at our house, my laptop is out on the table. And I typically have a notebook or two, some pens and other items, like mail and my car keys sitting next to my laptop. Of course, I do try to keep things organized when I am camped out at the table for a while either writing a novel/story or working on a blog pos

What’s on Your Reading List for 2020?

What’s on your reading list for 2020?  When it comes to books and reading I don't normally make a list of what I am reading. Typically what I do is when I am at the library I look through the new books shelves and the 'themed' shelves that my library does. If I find books that sound interesting and like something that I would read I will pick them up and bring them with me until I am ready to leave. Other times I will look up book suggestions from friends or that other people suggest to me and get them.  Taken by me But this year I am starting out with a shortlist of books that I plan on working my way through. And the books are " The Hobbit " and " The Lord of the Rings " trilogy by J.R.R. Tolkien. Once I am finished reading those books I am currently planning on reading the book "The Time Traveler's Wife" by Audry Niffenegger. It has been on my Want to Read list on Goodreads since last year when I got a paperback copy of the bo

Saint and Word of the Year

Even though I wrote a post on this topic last year, and probably one or two other times, I wanted to share the word of the year as well as the saint of the year that I received for 2020. Found on Google and the parish website for St. Hyacinth Catholic Church in TX. The saint that I received for this year is St. Hyacinth, who I have heard of, but didn't really know much about. Thanks to the internet and a quick Google search I was able to look St. Hyacinth up and learn more about him. And what I have learned is that St. Hyacinth is the patron saint against drowning and Poland. His feast day is August 17th. Jennifer Fulwiler, the creator of both generators, shared the links on her Facebook page (and I think on Instagram/Twitter but I am not sure). When she shared the link and a picture of the first page for the Saint generator she added this clarification to the caption in the post. (To clear you some confusion, this generator gives you the name of people canonized in