
Showing posts from April, 2020

Lost in The Woods

All photos are taken and edited by me.

Fun Fact Friday: Unicorns

The unicorn is the national animal of Scotland. Photo by  James Lee  on  Unsplash Yes, although it's a fabled creature, the national animal of Scotland is actually the mythical unicorn — chosen because of its association with dominance and chivalry as well as purity and innocence in Celtic mythology. So if you really like unicorns and the country of Scotland, then moving to Scotland would be great!

The Almost Lost Washcloth by Julie Tarsha

This is another free pattern that I found on Ravelry that I really like. Though with this pattern I made a few minor changes to it as I was making them. The pattern calls for 14 points and a size 8 needle. After making one or two with 14 points I decided that I didn't like the way that they looked so I now I am only doing 12 points when I make them and I use a size 7 needle instead. made and taken by me As fas as cotton yarns to use for making these I really like using the yarns  Lily Sugar'n Cream Ombres and  Pisgah Yarn & Dyeing Co. Peaches & Creme Ombres to make them. The washcloths in the picture are made using  Lily Sugar'n Cream Ombres  and the color name is  Azalea . One thing I really like about this pattern is how easy it is to make because you can easily make two, depending on how loose or tight you knit, out of one skein of yarn. Once you have the pattern down it is really easy to watch movies or have conversations while working on them. Which

Father, Forgive Them*

"You rejected the holy and righteous one and asked to have a murderer given to you, and you killed the author of life, whom God raised from the dead."  - Acts 3:14-25 Photo by  Ricky Turner  on  Unsplash Today we hear another cry unlike the joyous shouts of Palm Sunday. It is the fierce cry of those who shout out: "Crucify him!" How hard it is for the comfortable and the self-righteous to understand the joy and the celebration of God's mercy. How hard is it for those who trust only themselves and look down on others, to share in this joy. It is the cry born of the show of self-sufficiency, pride, and arrogance, which sees no problem in shouting "Crucify him, crucify him." Faced with such people, the best remedy is to look at Christ's cross and let ourselves be challenged by his final cry. He died crying out his love for each of us: young and old, saints and sinners, the people of his times and of our own. We have been saved by his cross,

