
Showing posts from July, 2015

Meatless Friday

We have this salmon recipe in our large yellow recipe binder and I had tried it once before, though it hadn't turned out quite like it was supposed to, at leas I think it didn't. Anyhow I decided to try it again today since I was looking for a meatless lunch option. Since it only takes a few minutes to prepare the sauce part of it as well as bake I decided to share the recipe on here. Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place salmon in pan and sprinkle with garlic, salt and pepper. In a bowl mix 1/2 stick butter*, a drizzle of honey, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, 1/3 cup mayo. Spread of salmon and bake about 15 mins or until flaky. *I find that it woks best if the butter is softened a bit first, before it is added to the other sauce ingredients.

There's No Place Like Home

Whelp...I'm back from vacation. It was a lot of fun though and I can say that we got our tent taking down and packed up skills down to around 45 minutes. And that is with taking down two tents. While we all enjoyed ourselves on the trip, we are all glad to be home and to have an extra day in there before having to go back to work. Between the pictures that I took with the camera on my phone and my nice Canon camera I have over 100 pictures from the trip and that doesn't count the couple pictures that I deleted off of both devices. In my last post, before going on vacation, I mentioned that I was going to start the photography scavenger hunt thing while on vacation. While I had brought it with me I didn't really take any pictures for it. Although some of the pictures that I took on vacation could have worked for it, I decided not to keep them as vacation pictures and then just start doing it now that we are back. When I actually start doing the scavenger hunt is anoth

Scavenger hunt + Photography = Sounds Like Fun

Last night I was scrolling through Pinterest to see if there was any new pins that sounded delicious (food), crafty, writing related, or something that fit into one of my other boards and one of the pins that a friend of mine had pinned was for a photography scavenger hunt. Of course since I enjoy doing photography and haven't taken any pictures with my camera lately, the camera on my phone doesn't count, I decided to pin it and then print it out so that I can bring it along on vacation next week. I would start doing it this week but I am rather busy with work and trying to get ready to leave for vacation, so the scavenger hunt has to wait until next week to start. Once I start the scavenger hunt and come back from vacation I am planning on posting the pictures on here to share. found on:

Cherry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie

Since I didn't really eat much for lunch today I was starving around 3:30-4:00 and that resulted in me creating a new smoothie! My original idea was to do a Blueberry Strawberry Banana Peanut Butter smoothie. But my mom said that she didn't think the peanut butter and blueberries would go together, so I switched ideas.While I personally think that the smoothie could be a little bit less think, it was still pretty good. So without further ado here is the recipe that I created for the Cherry Banana Oatmeal Smoothie. Ingredients: 1/2 cup Oatmeal  1 Banana 1 cup chopped cherries  (I used frozen tart cherries for this) 1 1/2 cups milk* Splash of Vanilla If you don't like a lot of grittiness you can grind up oatmeal in the blender first before adding the other ingredients. Put everything in the blender.  Since I used tart baking cherries I added a pinch of sugar to my smoothie so that it wouldn't be to tart from the cherries.  *Almond mi

Whether you like it or not

The title of this post is a play on words because I am writing about one of my favorite subjects: the weather!! The idea for this post and it's name was inspired by the weather because it keeps changing and it doesn't feel like summer, let alone July.  Besides the weather the inspiration behind the name of this post comes from one of the "Silly Songs With Larry." The particular one that it comes from is called School House Polka .  Whether, whether, whether, whether, Whether you like it or not Weather, weather, weather, weather, Weather is cold, warm and hot Now that we are done talking about the title of this post and it being a play on words we can now talk about how the weather so far has been up and down all summer. This past week the weather started out in the 80's, but then it moved into the 60's and 70's. On Friday and Saturday it is supposed to be in the 80's again. It also hasn't helped that it has been raining a lot as well.

7 Quick Takes Friday: The Dessert Edition

--1-- Since it is the 4th of July tomorrow I decided to do this weeks 7 Quick Takes with a different dessert for each take. While I haven't had a chance to try any of the recipes yet I thought that it would be fun to share them.  The first dessert recipe on the list is for Strawberry Blueberry Crumble . It sounds like it would be delicious and really easy to make, though I would personally leave out the almond slices. --2-- Recipe number 2 is Strawberry and Blueberry Cheesecake Icebox Cake . The creator of the recipe said that she made the dessert for Memorial Day, but I think it could be made for the 4th of July as well.  --3-- This one I am sharing simply because it looks rather interesting, and not really something that I would necessarily want to make. The third recipe is Red, White and Blue Truffle . --4-- This particular recipe is another rather vibrant red, white and blue dessert and is aptly named Red, White and Blue Cheesecake Ca