
Showing posts from August, 2014

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 --- Last week as I was scrolling through Pinterest and I came across this: You have to go back and think about every episode with the Ponds and River Song this way. Is she just talking to them as companions of the Doctor or is she talking to them as her parents? That ^^^^^^^ is the comment that was with t\the picture when I repinned it. --- 2 --- School started again this week. This semester I am taking math, english and marketing. When I got my marketing textbook in the mail there was a can of Red Bull (which I don't drink) and I thought that it was kind of interesting and weird at the same time. My dad pointed out that it was a marketing scheme to make you interested in getting Red Bull. If you are ever interested in renting text books instead of buying them you can check out , because they have decent prices for renting books and they tell you how to ship the book(s) back once the semester is over. --- 3 --- The first episode of Doctor Who S

Couldn't think of a creative name......

I guess you could call this a throwback Thursday post because I finished the blanket back at the beginning of May and just got around to taking pictures of the finished product now. Pinterest is to blame for giving me the idea to make this blanket, though I don't remember where the original pin that I got the idea from went too. I had started making it last year using up the rest of a pink flannel sheet that was in our material bucket, but then I ran out of that so it sat around for a while by our sewing machine until I found a large grey flannel sheet. Here are a couple pictures of the blanket that I took. This is a just because photo While I could have made it a little nicer I like how it turned out :) "Rose it wasn't a dream." - Waking Rose "It was a dream come true." - Waking Rose

The Adventure of Sherpork Holmes

This is a story that I wrote back when I was eleven. Why it had to be a story about pigs I don't know, but here it is, enjoy :) The adventure begins in Pork City on July 18th, 1818. The Hams children, Lily, Peter, George and Henry, were playing in their yard. Then, who should come along but the Big Bad Goose. He started to chase them around the yard. They all ran oinking into the house. Mr. Ham called Sherpork Holmes to save the day. Meanwhile the Big Bad Goose was trying to get into the house. He got in and kidnapped Peter and Lily, who were twins, then ran off. Then who should enter the scene but Sherpork Holmes and his faithful friend Doc Bacon. Mr. Ham told them what had happened in the last few minutes or so. Then off they went in search of the Big Bad Goose. The Big Bad Goose soon got to his lair, and there he dropped Lily and Peter. Sherpork Holmes and Doc Bacon were nearing the lair, which was about 30 miles from Pork City, in Chop Mountain. Chop Mountain is very high an

Long Lost Art That I Drew

The other day my mom was sorting through a bunch of boxes and found some of the art work and stories/book reports that Amanda, Yavi and I have done. So I decided to share the art work that I drew when I was younger. The two stories that I wrote when I was younger will make an appearance on here as well :) The butterfly picture is the only drawing that I know what age I was when I drew it and the other ones are some time around then. I am not sure why it is a sad butterfly Abstract Art I think this is suppose to be me with Amanda, Yavi Aaliyah and our parents It looks like these are pumpkins and that they are suppose to be me and my sisters. I think this one was drawn after one of my siblings was born. Not sure who this is suppose to be a drawing of.
I know it sounds like a dog poster, but it’s true!   credit goes to my sister Yavi for making the poster and to Aaliyah had a part to play with coming up with this as well I believe.