
Showing posts from November, 2014

First Week of Advent

"Jesus said to his disciples: 'Be constantly on the watch! Stay awake!...You do not know when the Master of the house is coming.'" Mark. 13:33 First Sunday of Advent O Jesus, your voice sounds through the house of my world: Be on your guard! Stay awake! Yet I hardly hear you. Busy with so much, I go about the things I do like a servant trapped in  household  routine, hardly giving a thought to what my life is about. My spirit within has grown tired and you, my God, seem far away. How can I hear your voice today? Speak to my heart during this season of grace, as you spoke to your prophets and saints. Remind me again of the journey you call me to make and the work you would have me do. I am your servant, O Lord. Speak to me in this holy season and turn my eyes to watch for your coming. O Emmanuel, Jesus Christ, desire of every nation, Savior of all peoples, come and dwell among us.

7 Quick Takes Friday

--- 1 --- Last week on Saturday four out of six siblings had rehearsal all day for their upcoming Christmas play "The Conversion of Scrooge,"and Aaliyah was helping out at a food pantry in the morning. So it was just me, my mom and Amanda at home, so we decided to stop over at Hobby Lobby to do some shopping. --- 2 --- Even though I usually don't like to start my Christmas shopping until after Thanksgiving I found some crafts to add to presents. For the three kids that I nanny I got them each an ornament that you could color, though I already did that. For the oldest girl that I nanny as part of her Christmas present from me I got a canvas bag and decorated it. But now that Thanksgiving is over I can start looking for the rest of the presents that I need. --- 3 --- At the end of August we started doing a clean eating plan thing and one of the smoothie recipes that you get with it is a peanut butter smoothie and I really like it so I decided to share it here

Happy Thanksgiving!

Happy Thanksgiving!!!!

Cover Ideas

Before my NaNo story decided that it didn't want to really follow the plot idea that I had in my head, I made a couple covers using the plot ideas that I had. I also have a cool cover idea that I want to try, but I don't know when it's going to happen.


Even though I don't think it's the best thing that I have ever written in my life I finished my NaNo story with 51,372 words total. If I do NaNo next year I was thinking of doing a second part for this year's story.

Viva Christo Rey!

Happy feast of Christ the King! PRAYER TO CHRIST THE KING Christ Jesus, I acknowledge You King of the universe. All that has been created has been made for You. Make full use of Your rights over me. I renew the promises I made in Baptism, when I renounced Satan and all his pomps and works, and I promise to live a good Christian life and to do all in my power to procure the triumph of the rights of God and Your Church. Divine Heart of Jesus, I offer you my efforts in order to obtain that all hearts may acknowledge your Sacred Royalty, and that thus the Kingdom of Your peace may be established throughout the universe. Amen.

Mad libs

Here is my version of the mad libs that I posted on Monday. Hope you enjoy :) Dark and Stormy Night Mad Lib It was a dark and stormy fog  (noun); the rain hopped  (verb) in torrents, except at occasional intervals, when it was knit  (verb) by a elegant (adjective) gust of balls  (noun Pl.) (For it is in Chicago  (place) that our scene lies), rattling along the  cents  (noun, Pl), and lazy (adjective) agitating the mushy  (adjective) flame of the cemetery  (noun) that struggled against the division (noun). Through one of the clumsy  (adjective) quarters of Chicago (place), and among haunts little loved by the bed  (noun) of the nurse (profession), a man, evidently of the lowest orders, was jumping (verb) his solitary way. He hopped  (verb) twice or thrice at different corner (place) and buildings (places) of a  description  correspondent with the bee (noun) of the  quarter  in which they were locked  (verb) and tended eyes (noun) for some  article  or another which did not see

Three Knitting Projects

While I am not working on them all in the same day I have three different knitting projects going on at the moment. The first project that I started making was a blanket and I started working on that over a year ago. Project number two is a rug. This one only came about because one day I randomly decided that I wanted to give t-shirt yarn a try since I had a bunch of old t-shirts laying around. The last project is a pair of hand warmers for TJ because he asked me to make him a pair. Because it is the smallest project and the easiest to transport the hand warmers will be the first project that I finish.

Dark and Stormy Night Mad Lib

Here is the blank mad lib that I mentioned last week in  this post. As soon as I finish filling it out and if I remember too, I will post my version soon. Dark and Stormy Night Mad Lib It was a dark and stormy _________ (noun); the rain _____ (verb) in torrents, except at occasional intervals, when it was ______ (verb) by a ___________ (adjective) gust of ______ (noun Pl.) (For it is in __________ (place) that our scene lies), rattling along the _________ (noun, Pl), and _____ (adjective) agitating the ______ (adjective) flame of the ______(noun) that struggled against the _______(noun). Through one of the _______(adjective) quarters of ______(place), and among haunts little loved by the ______(noun) of the ________(profession), a man, evidently of the lowest orders, was _______ing (verb) his solitary way. He _______-ed (verb) twice or thrice at different _______(place) and ________(places) of a description correspondent with the ______(noun) of the quartier in which they were

Theme Thursday: Lean

This weeks them is lean. Join in the fun over at Clan Donaldson .

Night Write In

Tonight, last night, or whatever time it is when you read this, but anyhow tonight my college had a Night Write In for NaNoWriMo. Even though I was the only one who showed up for it I was surprised at how well I was able to focus on my writing, though I did take a short break here and there to check things like Facebook. The lady who was running the event was really nice and she told me that at the kick off party that they had at my college for NaNo there was ten people who showed up. Where they were tonight I don't know, because they missed out on free treats. Besides the free treats there was also some writing prompts to use in case you got stuck. One of the writing prompts involves using M&M's for it and even though the little spread sheet that I recreated doesn't look as nice as the copy I have here are the writing prompts.  Blue: The new M&M color makes you want to do something new – add something new to your next scene, sending someone on an unexpe

7 Quick Takes Friday

- 1 - Last weekend was my cousin's wedding, which was a lot of fun. Even though it was kind of dark in the hall where the reception was held I was able to take a couple pictures. This was the table setting at the table I was at. - 2 - This picture I took when we were driving down there on Friday and I like how it turned out :) - 3 - In between the reception and the wedding ceremony we went and took pictures for our Christmas card and we were told to do a Vouge picture. - 4 - Even though I started my NaNo-ing Sunday evening after getting back from the wedding, I thought I did pretty good with my writing for the day. Of course I have a writing prompt board on Pinterest to help me out if I need ideas for writing. So far I have used one of them. - 5 - This year, even though I had a pumpkin to decorate I never actually got around to doing anything with it. My idea was to paint a minion face on it, but that of course never happened. But it doesn&

Theme Thursday

This weeks theme is brick. You can head over to Clan Donaldson join in the link up for Theme Thursday.