
Showing posts from February, 2022

Discomfort & Vulnerability

This is a post that I started back in 2020 during the "height" of the coronavirus and then sort of forgot about and let fall to the side. Especially since I have only put out one post in 2021, compared to all of the ones that I had put out during 2020. When I started working on the idea for this post, while I don't remember where I came up with or found the topic, I asked people a simple question about what made them vulnerable or how they showed/felt discomfort. While I didn't get that many answers for either question, the ones that I did receive were good responses to what I had asked.  The photo was taken by me My original title for this post was "Seek Discomfort and Vulnerability," but sometimes I think those things find us instead. And I believe that was part of my thought process behind asking the questions and then this post. When we are faced with discomfort and vulnerability, either together or separately, we have to face them, and sometimes it fee