
Showing posts from June, 2019

Why so Silent, Good Messieurs?

While I have been a bit silent lately, I have not forgotten this small corner of the world. Several weeks ago I did start working on a blog post, but it is still far from finished. But I will hopefully have it written and posted soon. In the meantime, I thought I would pop in share a little bit of what my life has been like lately. Photo by  Tai's Captures  on  Unsplash To start off the Friday before Memorial day I went and got my hair cut. While that isn't anything out of the ordinary but it does showcase the curliness of my hair. My hair has always had a bit of a wave/curl to it but I never did anything with it until I got my hair cut. Shortly before I went and got it cut my sister had started looking into natural shampoos and other natural hair products to use. And that is part of what got me started with wanting to cut my hair. Because I wanted to start trying stuff on shorter hair rather than longer hair. The shampoo and conditioner that I recently started using is