
Showing posts from February, 2019

Story Ideas

Back in January, during one of the many snow storms that we had, I was sitting on the couch scrolling through my phone when the name Sybil popped into my head. Besides the name, the only other information that this character gave me is that she is an orphan/in foster care. Photo by  Álvaro Serrano  on  Unsplash While I haven't done much with this character yet, I plan on figuring out the details so that I can begin writing the story. One thing that I had started doing, shortly after the character idea came to me, was to start writing down the names to instrumental songs that I was listening to on Spotify. The idea that I had for that was to incorporate the titles as the names of the chapters and then base the scenes, etc. off of that. Whether it will work or not I don't know since I want to do research into different settings and such before I begin writing the story. And I may save this idea for November and NaNoWriMo so that I can have time to prepare and gather more i

An Update in Knitting

Since I really haven't shared any knitting project updates in a while I figured today was a good day to do so. Especially since I just finished making four projects, one of which I have been working on for just over a year and a half. Dishcloth I apologize for the not so great quality of the above picture (^). Especially since it is a little hard to see the pattern. But it is a dishcloth that I made using a pattern that I found on Ravelry last year. The ten-stitch blanket ^^^ I started making in July of 2017 and didn't do a whole lot of work on,  until recently when I decided to work on it more. Before I finished it my sister had suggested that I take another coordinating color and crochet a border around the edge of it to give it a more finished look. As you can see I took her up on the suggestion and just did a simple single crochet border around it. The pattern is on Ravelry, The shawl/wrap is another pattern that I found on Ravelry and the yarn I used i

Favorite Fairy Tale

This may seem like a strange fairy tale to have as a favorite, but one of my favorite fairy tales is called "The Robber Bridegroom." I first learned of this particular fairy tale, along with many others, in the book "Grimm's Complete Fairy Tales," which I had purchased at Barnes and Noble several years ago. Since you may be wondering why this is one of my favorite fairy tales let me tell you that I don't really know why it is a favorite either, especially since it is a rather morbid story. Photo by  Olivier Guillard  on  Unsplash When you first look at the title of the tale, it doesn't look like it will be too much of a dark and depressing fairy tale. But once you actually read it, then it becomes a bit morbid. What I mean by that is that the bridegroom and his gang, spoiler alert, are cannibals. That is why I still don't understand how I consider it to be a favorite fairy tale of mine, but whatever. So the bridegroom and his gang are cannibal