
Showing posts from July, 2018


Just recently I was at a talk and at the beginning of the talk the speaker had everyone stand up and introduce themselves to someone new and each person had to share a fun fact about themselves. After a minute or two we moved on to new people and shared a new fun fact with them. Once we had each talked to about four or five people everyone sat down again at their tables and the talk began. Photo by  Priscilla Du Preez  on  Unsplash The reason I am bringing this up is that the word of the year that I received, back in January, is Engage. Since Engage might seem like a random word for me to receive since I write posts on here somewhat regularly about random things that are going on in my life, I figured it would be good to explain a little about what Engage means to me. To start off I am more of an Introvert than an Extrovert and while I do go out with friends and to parties, I don't always like starting conversations with people that I may or may not know that well. If I kn

All Things Random

In my last post , which I had mostly written ahead of time, I was going to post it at the end of June once I had given the blanket away. But as I said the blanket still isn't finished, I am still slowly working away at it, I decided to post and share about the blanket anyhow. Photo by  John-Mark Smith  on  Unsplash I would have shared my previous post sooner, as well as written one or two other posts, but my laptop decided that it was going to go kaput. Granted it was almost six years old and I kept forgetting to update my anti-virus software. So right now, until I can get a new laptop, I am limited to my cell phone, which I hate writing long things on, the computer my siblings share, my mom's old laptop or one of the computers at the library. It probably helped that I hadn't really thought of anything to write on here until now. When I first sat down at the library computer the other week I hadn't planned on sharing the last post, I was just going to try and w

A Story of Five Blankets

Back in January of last year one of my cousin's got engaged and I had the idea to make them a blanket, though I didn't know what yarn or pattern I wanted to use for it. Then in the middle of February/beginning of March I was at the library across the street hanging out with the Fiber Arts that meets there every week and one of the ladies there was giving away a bunch of free yarn and in the yarn was a plastic bag with three skeins of Mainstays Home 4-Ply Worsted yarn (colorway: Mountain Top) and I took it home. After having it sit in my room for several months of the yarn sitting in my room collecting dust, I finally found a pattern that I wanted to use the yarn for, along with a skein of white yarn that I had so that it went farther. The pattern that I found was the Log Cabin pattern. It is a really easy pattern to follow and you can do it with any type of yarn. The beginning of June I started working on the blanket with the intent of having it finished by the bridal show