
Showing posts from February, 2016

Perfect? It's Over Rated.

Why is it that everyone is always getting hung up and stuck on the word perfect? What is so important about that particular word that we can't seem to let it go? When you look the word "perfect" in the dictionary, I used the American Heritage Dictionary, you get a list of different ways that the word "perfect" is used. Here is the list for what "perfect" means in the dictionary. per·fect    (pûr   f ĭ kt) adj. 1.  Lacking nothing essential to the whole; complete of its nature or kind. 2.  Being without defect or blemish:   a perfect specimen. Just by reading the first two definitions, there are 12 definitions total, it is easy to see how the word is being used in society. And just because society is telling us that we need to be perfect in order to be happy doesn't mean that we have to go along. It is okay to be happy without being perfect at the same time. Besides no one is perfect and like it says in the title, perfect is over rated.


The picture to the left is a picture of all of the knitting needles that I own. Also fetures is a kitting gague, which I haven't ever used, a cable needle, a stitch holder, and place markers. Not pictured are the point protectors and yarn needles that I own. Lately I have been thinking of starting another knitting project, even though February is almost over and we are getting closer to spring. So this evening I pullef out my bag of knitting needles and started organizing them all on the floor. That was when I got the random idea to do a blog post on them. The first pair of size 8 needles that I got, not pictured, were given to me by my grandma years ago. My grandma also gave me a pair of size 10 circular knitting needles. My grandma taught me how to knit, though we use to different styles. Since then I have added more needles to my collection. So far I have only bought two sets of needles out of the 18 sets of needles that I own. I bought a set of double pointed needl

If You Want to Make God Laugh

"If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans." Though I don't know who originally said it, the above quote is something that I have heard my whole life. Sometimes I feel like it is very true. The idea for this post came around a week ago, during a talk that I was listening to on the flight of the Holy Family into Egypt. In the handout that was passed out after the talk, there was several sentences that stuck out to me about what our vocations are in life. It was also part of the inspiration for the post that I wrote on St. Catherine of Siena . We all have a different vocation in life, sometimes we know what it is and sometimes we don't. The only person who knows what each person's vocation in life is God. Sometimes it is hard to understand what it is we are supposed to do in life, but we have to be patient and trust in God. In the reflection for the talk that I went too, the first sentence that jumped out at me was " St. Joseph did not clai

Spiritual Reflections

"Have no fear for what tomorrow may bring. The same loving God who cares for you today will take care of you tomorrow and every day. God will either shield you from suffering or give you unfailing strength to bear it.  So, then, be at peace and put aside all anxious thoughts and imaginations. " - St. Francis de Sales  Since it is the beginning of the Lenten season this quote is something for us to reflect on.

What's in a Saint?

Back in July, when my family and I were on vacation, we stopped at the Shrine of Our Lady of Good Help up in Wisconsin. At the attached gift shop I had purchased several medals, with one of them being of St. Catherine of Siena , who is my patron saint. Then back in October, before we moved, I finally attached the medals that I had gotten to my scapular. After a while, the medals started to come off, except for the one of St. Catherine. When I realized that the other day, I started wondering if God was trying to tell me something about the future and my vocation. Even though I might no what God has in store for me for the future,  I do know that he has a plan and that I just have to wait and listen for it.