
Showing posts from December, 2017

Week 28 - A mess


K3, P3 Hand Warmers

This knitting project came about when Aaliyah said that she had a hard time getting warm. Since we always pick a sibling to get a present(s) for Christmas, instead of getting presents for 8 people, I got Aaliyah as my person and I decided to make her a pair of hand warmers. I created my own pattern using ideas from other patterns, that I found on Ravelry. Cast on 36 stitches using the long tail method*. Row 1: knit all the way across  Row 2: K3, P3 all the way across Repeat these two rows until you reach your desired length then bind off. I made them 7 1/2 inches long. Repeat pattern to make a second one. I made these using straight needles and used the tails that I left at both ends to sew up the edges. But it is super easy to make these on double pointed needles if that is what you prefer. And I used a size 8 needle, unfortunately, I don't remember the brand name of the yarn that I was using. *If you don't know how to do the long tail cast on method, which

Week 27 - Purple


$4,279.26 and Counting

Just from going to the library on a regular basis I have saved $4,279.26. Living right across the street from the local library helps with that because in the two years since we have lived by the library I have gone there more than when we lived several minutes away and didn't go as often. Anyhow, I didn't come to bore you all with talking about books and what I've read recently. This is more of a random talk about what's been going on in my life sort of post. Originally I was going to write this post last week but the words weren't wanting to come out the way that I wanted them too, so I am trying again. And since I haven't written a general, sometimes rambling, post on what has been happening lately I thought that I would include it all in one post. Last week was finals week and it was also the last week of my second to last semester of college, which feels like I have been doing forever. This semester I ended up taking four classes instead of three lik

Week 26 - Candle Light


O Come, O Come Emmanuel

Today starts the season of Advent, and the lighting of the Advent wreath. During the Advent season, advent calendars are a popular site in stores and in homes. When my siblings and I were younger we used to get one of the chocolate filled calendars from the store.  As we got older we did a homemade calendar, usually in the shape of a tree and each day we would add a purple circle or a pink one for Gaudete Sunday . We would start at the bottom and go up the tree when we reached the top of the tree we added a star. Two years ago I did a photography Advent calendar (though I don't remember where I found it) .  This year I am doing another photography Advent calendar, which I created using ideas from Advent calendars that I found. As a family, we also light a candle on the wreath each night. We also sing a verse of the song "O Come, O Come, Emmanuel" each night as well.  On my blog, I have shared the O Antiphons and their corresponding verse from" O Come, O C