
Showing posts from May, 2015

What I Have Been Reading Lately...

In the week and a half that I have been out of school and on summer break I started re-reading the Fairy Tale Novels Series by Regina Doman . Since I hadn't read it in a while I started off by reading the most recent (as in a couple years ago) to the series and have since made my way backwards through the rest of the series. It also helped that on Wednesday last week I didn't have anywhere to go or really anything to do so I pretty much spent the entire day inside reading. The weather didn't help with that either since it was raining and rather dreary out.  The Midnight Dancers Waking Rose When I started doing my re-reading of the series it took me a day and a half to go through the first three books, but now my pace has slowed down a bit, mostly because I was rather busy on Sunday. But it probably won't take me terribly long to get through the book I am currently reading as well as the other two books that I still have left to read. 

7 Quick Takes Friday

--1-- Last week on Wednesday Amanda, Yavi, Aaliyah and I went and saw the new Avengers movie since Amanda and I were both off work and we didn't know when else we would be able to see it. We all liked it. On Sunday the rest of my family went and saw it and Aaliyah and I went with and saw it again. --2-- Right now "Heartbeat Song" by Kelly Clarkson is my new favorite song.  --3-- I started doing the reading challenge that I started back in January again. It's been slow but I am doing it again and now that school is over I will have more time to read. I was able to check off several boxes with "The Lunar Chronicles" series by Marissa Meyer. Now I am re-reading "Pride and Prejudice" to knock off a couple other categories. --4-- Tuesday morning, since I was feeling a bit bored and had some time on my hands, I ran to Wal-Mart for a quick trip to see if I could find any shirts and skirts to add to my summer clothing. I di

Current Projects.

Since January I have been working on and off on knitting a blanket. Currently I am on try number 5 for this blanket and hopefully I will be able to finish it with the pattern that I am using for it. Tries 1 thru 4 involved knitting it with a couple different patterns and trying to crochet it. I only tried crocheting because I was bored one morning and didn't know what to do so I decided to teach myself, by watching you-tube videos, but it ended up not working out. So now I am back to kitting the blanket again. Unfortunately I forgot to take pictures of my past attempts but I did take pictures of the yarn being done into balls. My brothers were very helpful and willing in the winding endeavor. Look the end is in sight! the finished balls This is currently what the blanket looks like right now, and hopefully it will stay that way. Back in March I had acquired a boot box from Payless and decided to save it and paint it so that I could use it to put a gift in. I had

Writing Inspiration

On Pinterest one of my many boards is a board full of pictures to use as writing inspiration and since I couldn't think of anything else to write I decided to share some of the pictures from my board.