
Showing posts from 2022

The Other Side of Modesty

When we hear the word modesty, the first thing that comes to mind is clothing that covers everything or the majority of your body. Dressing modestly is something I have grown up with and have been around my entire life. And it can be considered a "hot topic" regarding what girls and women wear. Especially when it comes to places like schools and the workplace. But most people don't realize that modesty isn't just about what you wear; it is also about how you act around others and toward yourself.  Photo by Amanda Canas on Unsplash I am talking about this because I read an article on my Facebook feed the other day about a father who posted a picture with his two daughters in their homecoming dresses. And it was talking about his response to the people commenting on the style of the dresses. I don't remember the article's name, but I do know that it mentioned "girls to dress, so they don't distract boys," as well as saying that they are "aski

When Words Fail

  When words fail, don't say anything.  Sit in silence and listen.  Really listen. Sometimes what we listen to is what we need to hear. But it won't be the same for each person. What one person hears as positive, another could hear as a negative. But we are all in the same storm together, just different boats. When words fail, listen to what others have to say. They may share experiences that you might not have. Words are powerful things and can be used for good or bad. Words are something that we learn from. In good times and in bad,  words are something that we turn to every time. So when words fail, stop and listen. Sit in silence and remember the words that you hear.

Hammond Castle Museum*

  Sometimes you just need to go visit a castle. Especially when it has a nice view of the ocean. *All photos were taken by me.

Boys Will Be Boys?

  More often than not, I feel like many phrases have been ingrained in our society for a long time. A good example is a common phrase, "Boys will be boys." But what is that even supposed to mean?  Photo by Ben Sweet on Unsplash Quite often, the phrase is used to explain the behavior of men and boys when they do something that other people disagree with. Unfortunately, it has been like that for a long time, and it doesn't seem like much has changed, especially when you look at current politics, sexual harassment, etc. I don't know what others think about the phrase. Still, I believe that it needs to leave our vocabulary and that people need to work on themselves and how they respond and react to different topics where that phrase is used.  A current example of how the phrase "Boys will be boys" could be used is the recent Johnny Depp/Amber Heard Trial. While I didn't follow any of the hearings, it shows how the phrase could be used to throw the blame on

What If Today...

  What if today we were just grateful for mornings. Photo by Sharon Pittaway on Unsplash  and edited by me What if today we were just grateful for nights. What if today we were just grateful for the food on the table.  What if today we were just grateful for a bike to ride. What if today were just grateful for a game to play. What if today we were just grateful for the friends we make. What if we were just grateful for a roof over our heads. What if today we were just grateful for our family. What if today we were just grateful for another day to be alive. What if today we were just grateful for everything.

Always Right?

  Is the customer always right? Some people out there would answer that question with a resounding yes. Others might answer it with a hard no. But which is the correct answer to that question? Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash . Edited by me It would seem like yes, and no is the correct answer. Part of this is because some people like to create a scene and use their emotions to make people feel sorry for them. Since it is a bit of a classic question, it seems like it will be around for a while. Often the phrase is used by customers when they claim that something was entered wrong during a purchase, whether at the grocery store or a restaurant. But whatever the case may be, the customer isn't always right unless it is a legitimate claim.  Although I have rarely come across "Karen's," and their need always be correct, I know they are out there since I work in retail and have encountered some annoyed/upset customers. Of course, no one is perfect, but we still need

And so, My Fellow Americans:

  “And so, my fellow Americans: ask not what your country can do for you—ask what you can do for your country.” - JFK, January 20, 1961 Four score and seven years ago our fathers brought forth on this continent, a new nation, conceived in Liberty, and dedicated to the proposition that all men are created equal. - Abraham Lincoln, Gettysburg Address, November 19, 1863 We hold these truths to be self-evident, that all men are created equal, that they are endowed by their Creator with certain unalienable rights, that among these are life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness.   - The Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson, July 4, 1776 O thus be it ever when freemen shall stand. Between their lov'd home and the war's desolation! - The Star-Spangled Banner, Francis Scott Key,  September 14, 1814 Amazing Grace, how sweet the sound That saved a wretch like me I once was lost, but now am found Was blind but now I see  - Amazing Grace, John Newton, 1772 “Give me liberty, or giv

It's Okay

  In life, we are expected to have everything planned out to the dot for our futures. But we might not realize that it is okay not to be perfect and not have everything figured out.  The photo was taken by me We need to learn and work on the fact that it is okay to feel things that are shameful, hate, and feel guilty. And we've tried to stand by the message that it's okay to have scars and show them. To show that you've been through all sorts of things and have become a different and better person because of it. It is okay to let go of anyone in your life who tries to pull you down with their own negativity.   A large part of the need to plan everything out, as well as any negativity, stems from the fact that no one likes to be wrong. In the times that something proves us wrong, it just makes us believe in it more. But we need to learn that it's okay to be wrong. As human beings, we often don't like to go outside of our comfort zone. Moving outside of our comfort zo

Dear Future,

  Dear Future, I'm ready! Ready for all of the curveballs that life has to offer. There are many things that I learned from the past that I can use for the future. Photo by Javier Allegue Barros on Unsplash  and edited by me Using the mistakes that I made as tools to guide me, I know that I can succeed at anything that I put my mind to. With that in mind, it is like what Dr. Seuss said in the book "Oh, the Places You'll Go!" "And will you succeed?  Yes! You will indeed! (98 and ¾ percent guaranteed.)" And with that in mind I know that I am ready to face the future whatever that may be. Whether it's now or later on down the road. So dear future. I am ready.

Dear Past,

  Dear Past,  Thank you for the lessons. Some days felt like a party while others just seemed to drag on. But many lessons and mistakes that we learned in the past can help with the future.  Photo by Hadija Saidi on Unsplash  and edited by me The lessons each of us has learned were often accompanied by tears, anger, frustration, smiles, and many other emotions. But they were all tools to help guide us in different ways so that we could have a deeper understanding both then and in the future. We were taught to live by love, respect, honesty, and truth. These were words that the past used to guide us forward and to reflect on the times when we failed to apply them. Even though we might be defined by some of the choices that we made in the past, we learn from those. To help us approach the future, we turn to them. As we approach each new day it often presents us with an opportunity to become new and stronger people.  We can also use the tools that we have to help others along the way as

Yellowstone Photos

  All photos were taken by me.

Motivation Is...

  Now, this is partially a lesson on why you must write things down as soon as you hear them and remember them. Because that is what happened to me the other day :P Photo by Oliver Hale on Unsplash So how does that pertain to motivation? Well, let me tell you. Several weeks ago I started going to therapy and in one of my most recent sessions, the topic of motivation was brought up during our conversation. Now about the word motivation, my therapist said something along the lines of "Motivation is a choice." While I don't remember the exact wording that was used I really liked what she said and in my head, I was like I should write this down so I don't forget it. But I didn't write it down and I, naturally, forgot what the exact wording was. There was another thing that she said as well that I really like and that was also not written down and therefore forgotten. Because that is just how my brain works right now.  But she isn't wrong, because motivation is a

Trying Something New

  Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash When it comes to life and things in general it can feel a little crazy, or nuts at times. Am I right? Well, the other day, I can't remember if it was at work or at home, someone used the phrase "Oh nuts" about something that had just happened. And it stuck in my head for some reason and I also thought about my blog here, which ended up in a bit of a hole last year with barely any writing. And after a little bit of thinking, I decided that my little hole here on the blogosphere needed a bit of an update since it has been a while since I did an update around here.  Of course, an update here means changing the background color, font style, and name. I know for a while the name was the same, but after a while, it started to not feel like me really anymore. Though for a while I couldn't think of anything else that fit me and worked as a new name for here. That is until whoever it was said "oh nuts," the other day. And f

Good Friday - The 12th Station

  As Jesus hung on the cross, he forgave the soldiers who had crucified him and prayed for his mother and friends. Jesus wanted all of us to be able to live forever with God, so he gave all he had for us. Photo by Alicia Quan on Unsplash Leader:  We adore you, O Christ, and we praise you. All:  Because by your holy cross You have redeemed the world. As Jesus hung on the cross, he forgave the soldiers who had crucified him, and prayed for his mother and friends. Jesus wanted all of us to be able to live forever with God, so he gave all he had for us. Jesus, let me take a few moments now to consider your love for me. Help me thank you for your willingness to go to your death for me. Help me express my love for you! My Jesus, three hours didst Thou hang in agony, and then die for me; let me die before I sin, and if I live, live for Thy love and faithful service. Our Father.... Hail Mary.... Glory be to the Father... Leader:  Jesus Christ Crucified. All:  Have mercy on Us. Leader:  May th

Christian life is a retreat

  “Christian life is a retreat. We are ‘not of this world,' just as Jesus Christ is ‘not of this world’ (John 17:14). What is the world? It is, as St. John said, the ‘lust of the flesh,' that is, sensuality and corruption in our desires and deeds; ‘the lust of the eyes’, curiosity, avarice, illusion, fascination, error, and folly in the affectation of learning, and, finally, pride and ambition (1 John 2:16). To these evils of which the world is full, and which make up its substance, a retreat must be set in opposition. We need to make ourselves into a desert by a holy detachment. The Christian life is a battle … We must never cease to fight. In this battle, St. Paul teaches us to make eternal abstinence, that is, to cut ourselves off from the pleasures of the senses and guard our hearts against them … it was to repair and to expiate the failings of our retreat, of our battle against temptations, of our abstinence, that Jesus was driven into the desert. His fast of forty days pr

Discomfort & Vulnerability

This is a post that I started back in 2020 during the "height" of the coronavirus and then sort of forgot about and let fall to the side. Especially since I have only put out one post in 2021, compared to all of the ones that I had put out during 2020. When I started working on the idea for this post, while I don't remember where I came up with or found the topic, I asked people a simple question about what made them vulnerable or how they showed/felt discomfort. While I didn't get that many answers for either question, the ones that I did receive were good responses to what I had asked.  The photo was taken by me My original title for this post was "Seek Discomfort and Vulnerability," but sometimes I think those things find us instead. And I believe that was part of my thought process behind asking the questions and then this post. When we are faced with discomfort and vulnerability, either together or separately, we have to face them, and sometimes it fee