
Showing posts from February, 2023

Let Them

  "Let Them”  Author: Cassie Phillips Just Let them. If they want to choose something or someone over you, LET THEM. If they want to go weeks without talking to you, LET THEM. If they are okay with never seeing you, LET THEM. If they are okay with always putting themselves first, LET THEM. If they are showing you who they are and not what you perceive them to be, LET THEM. If they want to follow the crowd, LET THEM. If they want to judge or misunderstand you, LET THEM. If they act like they can live without you, LET THEM. If they want to walk out of your life and leave, hold the door open AND LET THEM. Let them lose you. You were never theirs because you were always your own. So let them. Let them show you who they truly are, not tell you. Let them prove how worthy they are of your time. Let them make the necessary steps to be a part of your life. Let them earn your forgiveness. Let them call you to talk about ordinary things. Let them take you out on a Thursday. Let them talk abo

We Got This

  I don't know who needs to hear this, but you are not broken. There is nothing wrong with you. Unfortunately, there is a lot wrong in the world, and it's normal to recognize those things. Often times we feel broken, or something is wrong with us because of something that happens to us. And it can affect us down the road as we move through life. Because of this, we have a hard time asking others for help. Through our life experiences, we often think that we need to do something alone and that no one will want to help us. But don't be afraid to ask for help. Because we don't have it all together like we might think we do. While it might be easier for some people, we all need to learn that having help is okay. There is nothing wrong with needing or asking for help. When saying things like "it takes a village," some people don't have a village. Because of that, they have to figure it out on their own. And that can be hard to do, feeding into feeling like they