
Showing posts from February, 2015

Day 28 - Money


Day 27 - Something You Ate


Day 26 - Night


Day 25 - Green


Day 24 - Inside Your Bathroom Closet


Lenten Reflections: First Week of Lent

From the Letter of Saint Clare to Ermantrude of Burges, Look to heaven that invites us, O dearly beloved,  and take up the cross and follow Christ who goes before us, for through Him we shall enter into His glory after many different trials. Love God and Jesus, His son, who was crucified for us sinners, from the depths of your heart, and never let the thought of Him leave your mind. Meditate constantly on the mysteries of the cross and agonies of His mother standing at the foot of the cross. Pray and always be vigilant. The work you have begun well, complete immediately and the ministry you have assumed, fulfill in holy poverty and sincere humility. For Prayer and Reflection Where in your life are you invited to "take up the cross and follow Christ? In your  meditation on the mysteries of the cross, how have you encountered Jesus? Where in your ministry do you experience a fulfillment of "holy poverty and sincere humility"

Day 23 - Your Shoes

( In this case it's more like your sister's shoes, because your shoe cubby is boring and pretty much empty and unimpressive. )

Day 22 - Where You Work


Day 21 - A Fave Photo of You

The credit for this picture goes to my dear mother. It is a favorite photo of myself because I don't really like getting my picture taken that often so there usually has to be one goofy one of me.

Day 20 - Handwriting


Day 19 - Something That You Hate to Do


Ash Wednesday

Forty days alone,  a wilderness of thoughts,  tempting and inviting thoughts,  which could so easily have distracted you  from your task, your mission, your vision. Yet you emerged, stronger and more attuned  to all that had to be done,  despite a time constraint  that to our eyes would have seemed hopeless. We too live in stressful times.  Demands are made of our time,  that leave so little  for the important things of life.  We are easily distracted  in the wilderness of our lives,  by every call to go this way or that, to turn stone to bread  leap from mountains,  and do all that would keep us from the truth. We listen to the voices of this world,  and ignore the one who endured all this  and so much more,  and emerged triumphant,  that we might not have to suffer so. Forgive us, Father,  when we get distracted from our task.  Forgive us those times when we try  to be all things to all men,  and fail to be anything to anyone

Day 18 - Drink


Day 17 - Time


Day 16 - Something New


Day 15 - Phone


Day 14 - Heart


Day 13 - Blue


Day 12 - Inside Your Closet


Day 11 - Makes You Happy


Day 10 - Self Portrait


Day 9 - Front Door


Day 8 - Sun


Lenten Reflection: Third Week of Lent

The Third Letter of Saint Clare to Agnes of Prague (1238) Place your mind before the mirror of eternity! Place your soul in the brilliance of glory! Place your heart in the figure of the divine substance! And transform your entire being into the image of the Godhead itself through contemplation. So that you too may feel what His friends feel as they taste the hidden sweetness that God Himself has reserved from the beginning for those who love Him. And, after all who ensnare their blind lovers in a deceitful and turbulent world have been completely sent away, you may totally love Him Who gave Himself totally for your love. For Prayer and Reflection : Clare uses the image of the mirror popular in the spiritual literature of her time. The medieval concept was that one gazed into a mirror to see there what one was to become . Does this image speak to you in realizing that as one gazes upon one's truest self, one comes to see the very Image in which one is c

Day 7 - Button


Day 6 - Dinner


Day 5: 10 am

Everyone loves 10 am snacks!!!!

Day 4 - Something You're Listening To


Day 3 - Hands


Day 2 - Words


February Photo A Day - Your View Today

For the month of February I will be doing a photo a day challenge and here is today's picture!!