
Showing posts from October, 2022

When Words Fail

  When words fail, don't say anything.  Sit in silence and listen.  Really listen. Sometimes what we listen to is what we need to hear. But it won't be the same for each person. What one person hears as positive, another could hear as a negative. But we are all in the same storm together, just different boats. When words fail, listen to what others have to say. They may share experiences that you might not have. Words are powerful things and can be used for good or bad. Words are something that we learn from. In good times and in bad,  words are something that we turn to every time. So when words fail, stop and listen. Sit in silence and remember the words that you hear.

Hammond Castle Museum*

  Sometimes you just need to go visit a castle. Especially when it has a nice view of the ocean. *All photos were taken by me.