
Showing posts from January, 2015

Peanut Butter Banana Smoothie

I honestly can't remember if I have ever shared the recipe for a smoothie that I found on Pinterest a while ago. In case I didn't here is the recipe. 1 large banana, peeled ( I use a frozen banana) 1 cup ice cubes (I usually just do three ice cubes) 1/2 cup almond milk 1/4 cup Greek yogurt ( I use plain) 1 heaping Tbsp. peanut butter 1/2 tsp. vanilla extract In a blender, combine all ingredients. Blend until smooth, and serve immediately.

Knit Scarf Pattern

As usual I was scrolling through Pinterest when I saw something that caught my eye. What caught my eye was a pattern for a Doctor Who scarf!!!!!! Of course as soon as I saw it I knew that I wanted to try and make it. Though I decided that I would at least attempt to finish two of my three current knitting projects first before I went and did this.

Stand for Life


Story Snippet

This morning, since I had some time in between my two classes, I started writing and this is what I came up with. Standing in front of his bedroom window and thinking Arthur happened to notice a shadowy figure standing across the street. Since it was dark out Arthur wasn't too sure, but it looked like the figure was watching him in the window. After standing there for several minutes the figure left, leaving Arthur puzzled as to why someone would watch him. In the morning, as he was getting ready to leave for his classes at the college Arthur had forgotten about the figure from the night before. As he was walking the couple blocks to the college Arthur couldn't shake the feeling that he was being watched and followed. Whenever he turned around to see who it was there wasn't anyone there.

Playing with Food Coloring

Awhile ago I had gotten a glass Coca-Cola bottle from Mariano's and had decided to save it for when it snowed out for picture taking. Well it snowed out and filling the bottle with snow wasn't as easy as I thought it would be so I came up with another picture taking idea for it and this is what happened. So with the help of some water and blue and yellow food coloring here are the pictures that I took

Knitting Project #2

Back in November I mentioned that I was going to be making a hat for myself. The pattern that I used can be found here . This time I remembered to take a few in progress pictures while I was making it.  I don't know if anyone else does this, but I find it easier, especially for larger projects like the blanket that I am still working on, to keep track of how many rows that you have to do. The two tops rows were for keeping track of the all the rows of ribbing that I had to do for the bottom of the hat. The row and a half were for when I did hte body of the hat. The finished product

2015 Reading Challenge

One of the libraries near my house is handing out a large stack of papers for a reading challenge for 2015. Since we were there today I picked one up and decided to give it a try. Here is the long list for the challenge. Because my family owns a lot of books there are quite a few that we have that knock off a couple categories at once. The book I'm starting with is Grimm's Fairy Tales . A book with more than 500 pages A classic romance A book that became a movie A book published this year A book with a number in the title A book written by someone under 30 A book with nonhuman characters A funny book A book by a female author A mystery or thriller A book with a one word title A book of short stories A book set in a different country A non fiction book A popular author's first book A book from an author that you love that you haven't read yet A book a friend recommended A Pulitzer-Prize winning book A book based on a true story A book at the botto

Patron Saint for 2015

In case you haven't seen it yet there is a saint generator floating around the internet that you can find here . The saint that I was given was St. Paul the Apostle. Patronage: Against Hailstorms; Against Poisonous Snakes; Against Snake Bites; Authors; Cursillo Movement; Evangelists; Hospital Public Relations; Journalists; Lay People; Missionary Bishops; Musicians; Newspaper Editorial Staff; Public Relations Personnel; Publishers; Rope Makers; Saddlers; Tent Makers; Writers;