4 Down and 120 Across
Because a 120 letter word would be a bit hard to remember how to spell correctly all of the time, there typically aren't any words that long. And no this isn't a crossword puzzle. Instead this is a post on one of my favorite topics: knitting!!!!!! Since I have a lot of yarn sitting around and collecting dust, I wanted to make something with it. After thinking about it and looking at the color options that I have, I decided to make a relatively neutral colored baby blanket. When finished I plan on giving the blanket away, though I don't know to who to give it to yet.
The name of this post came about because I am creating my own pattern for this blanket. I love the way that the stockinette stitch looks, but hate how the edges usually curl under when finished, so I am creating a border for the blanket by doing the rib stitch around the edges to keep the blanket from curling under. The way that I am doing the blanket is that it is 120 stitches across, the length is currently TBD, and on the top and bottom of the blanket I am doing several rows of ribbing and on the sides are a continuation on the ribbing.
<= That is what I currently have so far on the blanket. Besides the two colors in the picture, there are three other colors that I will be adding to the blanket. The other colors that will be added are: light blue, tan, and light purple.
You can't really see it in the picture but the border didn't turn out quite like I was expecting it too, though it is still there. Once the blanket is finished I will post pictures of it here.