Call Me Crazy
Call me crazy but I currently have five knitting projects in the works, though only two of them are currently active.
As I mentioned in a separate post last week, and one other time before, I said that I was working on a Ten Stitch Blanket. That is project #1. Project #2 is a Log Cabin blanket and the colors for this blanker are white yarn and a variegated blue, green, and purple yarn. Project #3 is another Ten Stitch blanket that I started over the summer, but haven't really done much with. The colors for this blanket are goldenrod and two shades of rust orange.
Project #4 is a Corner to Corner blanket, and the colors for that are a light gray and a dusty purple, with possible dark purple accents (I don't know for sure yet). And finally, project #5 is a hat, in a variegated gray, white, yellow yarn.
Now you are probably wondering why I am working on five different knitting projects. Well, it didn't originally start out that way. It just started out with the first Ten Stitch blanket, after I finished making a baby blanket for someone (that I just realized I never did a post for). The Log Cabin blanket was started not long after I started the Ten Stitch. I had been working on the Log Cabin for a while when I had the idea to start working on the second Ten Stitch Blanket. But I haven't worked on it much since I first started it.
The reason why I haven't really worked on the Log Cabin and second Ten Stitch is that I started working on the Corner to Corner blanket, which I am giving away and it needs to be finished soon. But once I finish with the C2C blanket I am going to start working on the Log Cabin blanket again. The hat that I am working on is also a bit of a short deadline.
Because I crazy and looking for new knitting projects to work on, and people to give them to, I am planning on making a second hat once I finish the first one. I am calling that one project #5.5. And I am also planning on starting a fifth blanket pattern once I finish the Corner to Corner and Log Cabin blankets. So in the near future be prepared to be bombarded with more knitting posts as I finish all of my current (and future) projects.