Winning NaNo with a Slight Discrepancy

While it took me twenty-eight days to do it, but I won NaNoWriMo this year. But the writing of my novel is far from over because there is still quite a bit that I would like to add to it. Now that NaNo is finished I need to find the motivation to finish it and not let it sit and collect dust on my USB drive.

During the month of November there was one day during the beginning and then two days this past week where I didn't reach the daily word goal of 1,667 words. But I managed to make it up by writing anywhere between 1,000 and 3,000 words each day to keep moving forward. Since all writing platforms (eg Google Docs, Microsoft Word, etc.) all have slight variations on what they consider words, like hyphenated words and that sort of thing. According to Word, numbers, when they are written out like 1234, are counted as words, which I thought was interesting but I kept it. And when I went to validate my novel after reaching 50,048 words the website added a few more words making the total 50,088 words. While that may be considered cheating, I went with it and was considered a winner.

Of course, I wasn't sure how much time I would have for writing the last week because I had three late nights for work and I was gone all day Tuesday. But I ended up staying up till 12:30 am Tuesday evening/Wednesday morning and finished then. Which may not have been that smart of an idea because I had to work late Wednesday evening and I had been up since 5:30 Tuesday morning. I survived and reached 50k words on my novel. Now to stay motivated and keep writing.

Anyhow that Is all I have to say at the moment. But I will be back to share other random topics/ideas that come to mind. In the meantime Happy First Sunday of Advent and Happy Liturgical New Year.


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