Meatless Friday

We have this salmon recipe in our large yellow recipe binder and I had tried it once before, though it hadn't turned out quite like it was supposed to, at leas I think it didn't. Anyhow I decided to try it again today since I was looking for a meatless lunch option.

Since it only takes a few minutes to prepare the sauce part of it as well as bake I decided to share the recipe on here.

Preheat oven to 400 degrees. Place salmon in pan and sprinkle with garlic, salt and pepper.

In a bowl mix 1/2 stick butter*, a drizzle of honey, 1/4 cup Parmesan cheese, 1/3 cup mayo. Spread of salmon and bake about 15 mins or until flaky.

*I find that it woks best if the butter is softened a bit first, before it is added to the other sauce ingredients.


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