Yarn Dyeing: Take 2

Back in August I wrote a post about how I was testing out yarn dyeing. Since it wasn't the right kind of yarn, it didn't retain a lot of the dye. Several Weeks ago a friend and I stopped in Hobby Lobby for a few minutes and we were over in the yarn section and I discovered that they were selling skeins of dye-able yarn. Even though I really don't need more yarn I bought a skein to try dyeing again. This time I tried kool-aid instead of Wilton food coloring.

This time around, instead of heating the coloring/yarn combo in the microwave, I tried the dip-dyeing method. When I was looking for a dyeing method I just put it in Google and then found a set of instructions that I liked for dyeing the yarn.

I used Black Cherry kool-aid, the sugar free kind, and I used five packets, and I like how the color turned out. Since I used the stove-top method for dyeing yarn it had to cool down to room temp before it could be rinsed out. At Wal-Mart the kool-aid packets are 24¢ each, which isn't bad if you want to use different colors.

Unfortunately the yarn wasn't as dark as I was expecting it to be. But it is still a light pink/red color and I haven't decided if I am going to try re-dyeing it or not. If I do re-dye it I am going to do the same color to see if I can get it to turn out darker.

The kool-aid does stain your hands when you ring the excess water out of the yarn. Or stick your hands in the water before hand, like I did. But it does come off, you just need a little bit of soap and some warm water and then scrub really good. So that is my second adventure into yarn dyeing.

The yarn that I used for this was white 100% Acrylic dye-able yarn and, like I mentioned, I found the yarn at Hobby Lobby.


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