Trying Something New


Photo by Towfiqu barbhuiya on Unsplash

When it comes to life and things in general it can feel a little crazy, or nuts at times. Am I right? Well, the other day, I can't remember if it was at work or at home, someone used the phrase "Oh nuts" about something that had just happened. And it stuck in my head for some reason and I also thought about my blog here, which ended up in a bit of a hole last year with barely any writing. And after a little bit of thinking, I decided that my little hole here on the blogosphere needed a bit of an update since it has been a while since I did an update around here. 

Of course, an update here means changing the background color, font style, and name. I know for a while the name was the same, but after a while, it started to not feel like me really anymore. Though for a while I couldn't think of anything else that fit me and worked as a new name for here. That is until whoever it was said "oh nuts," the other day. And for some reason that hit me and inspired me to change the name from "Be Brave" to "Oh Nuts." It also never hurt to make changes or updates to your life when you need to do it. So hopefully I will start writing on here again because it is something that I enjoy doing and fell out of the habit of doing over the last year. 


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