Always Right?


Is the customer always right? Some people out there would answer that question with a resounding yes. Others might answer it with a hard no. But which is the correct answer to that question?

Photo by Hello I'm Nik on Unsplash. Edited by me

It would seem like yes, and no is the correct answer. Part of this is because some people like to create a scene and use their emotions to make people feel sorry for them. Since it is a bit of a classic question, it seems like it will be around for a while. Often the phrase is used by customers when they claim that something was entered wrong during a purchase, whether at the grocery store or a restaurant. But whatever the case may be, the customer isn't always right unless it is a legitimate claim. 

Although I have rarely come across "Karen's," and their need always be correct, I know they are out there since I work in retail and have encountered some annoyed/upset customers. Of course, no one is perfect, but we still need to show each other respect and courtesy. By showing someone they could be at fault for any mistakes, you are helping them learn that they don't always have to be correct. I would rather learn from any mistake I make over being right all the time. Because I think it could be rather annoying to be right all the time. 

Anytime you make mess of something or make a mistake, you are expected to own up to it. But not everyone is going to see it that way. Typically, this is because they focus more on being right and avoiding the consequences and mistakes they make. And if anyone else messes up, I would expect an apology because I know that I would rather apologize for something that I did than not say anything at all. Because when you apologize, it is an opportunity for you to learn from it and never do it again.

You learn nothing if you're right all the time. - Unknown


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