Too often, we get caught up in this need for perfection. It comes to a point where everything has to be in specific spots or look a certain way. With every I dotted, and T crossed, with every strand of hair in place. If that doesn't happen, then it is considered disorganized and messy. But what we forget is that there is no such thing as perfect.
Because of our need for everything to be perfectly ordered, we forget that it is okay to have things get messy. When we have everything in perfect order, it can often feel like a sterile environment where nothing wants to grow. Leaving the occasional mess by the kitchen sink or toys thrown across a bedroom floor is a sign of life.Oftentimes, I think constant perfection is also a need for control. Because if we can control the environment around us, we can live the way we want. But what we need to do is release the need for control. Life has its own set of twists and turns, and not everything can be controlled. We need to embrace spontaneity and allow life to surprise us. With the surprises and spontaneity in life, we learn new things, and perfection isn't supposed to be a rigid way of life. Because when life becomes too rigid, people push boundaries and cause harm. So, we need to release perfectionism because there is a chance of becoming burnt out.
Part of this need for perfection is validation from others. When we get caught up in this need for perfection, we forget that we are inherently confident, so we can trust our abilities without seeking external approval. Finding and following our abilities can cultivate a stronger self-worth and fulfillment. By doing that, we will find self-validation in our surroundings.
Striving for excellence is commendable, but perfection can be paralyzing. Embrace the beauty of imperfection and allow room for growth and judgment.