7 Quick Takes Friday

I found this on Facebook and I had to share it here :)

Last week on Saturday (the 19th) was TJ's last soccer game for the year. It was boys against girls and the boys won with the score being 7-0. But they had just played each other an hour before for the girls teams last game and the girls won that game. So each team got to win their last game and they were all even :)
 My friend Janny is hosting a Facebook event for authors and NaNoWriMo participants. There will be word wars, writing chats, and perhaps a little procrastination. It's meant to be a place of support for authors, and you're welcome even if you're not doing NaNo. Please join--and invite friends! You can find the link for the event below and here :) 
Tuesday we got a little bit of snow flurries. As much as I like watching snow fall, I'm not quote ready for it. I suppose it's because we didn't really get a fall this year. All we got was half hot/warm weather and then half cold weather. I know that's kind of what fall is but there's usually more of a transition between the two and not just going from one straight to the other like it did.
This is another Facebook find and I thought it was funny :)

Since I didn't feel like figuring out how to put the html code thingy for the video in with the rest of it and because it doesn't want to work like it used too with this, here is the link for a Disney Medley that was done by Peter Hollens. When the music first started playing I jumped a little because I wasn't expecting it to do that. So listen to that, as well as a lot of the songs that Peter has done and let me know how you like his music :)
This was pretty funny :)

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


Anonymous said…
That last one would make so much sense if it were true!
Jessica Snell said…
hee, hee, "Peter the Pink"! love it!

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