7 Quick Takes Friday
On Sunday friends of ours had a small surprise birthday party for their mom, who was surprised. Everyone had a nice time and Amanda and I got to hang out with our friends and we got to see two friends that he haven't seen in a little while as well.
Besides going to a party we got a lot of wind and rain on Sunday as well. A couple places got tornadoes as well. One town/city in my state got hit pretty hard by a tornado, so please say a prayer for them as they start rebuilding everything. Don't forget to pray for everyone in the Philippines who was affected by the typhoon that it not to long a go.
I apologies if my 2nd quick take was a little bit on the depressing side. Though this might not be considered depressing for some people, but tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who!!! and my mother, sisters and myself won't be able to watch it then because we have a million things to do that day. But we will watch it! When we do watch it I shall try to post my thoughts on it as soon as I possibly can, but I have to remember that I said that ;)
Tomorrow fellow blogger Anne-girl is having a writ-athon over on her blog Scribblings of My Pen and Tappings of My Keyboard. If you are interested in joining those who will be doing it with her you can follow the link and read what she wrote about it here :) I am going to see if I can join in since I have a lot of running around to do. But we shall see...
Since we are on the subject of writing I can't decide if I want to change the name of the story that I am doing for NaNoWriMo again or not. Like I usually say, we shall see ;) Because the story I'm doing is a modern/slightly medieval story I want to make a couple covers with modern/medieval feels to them but I haven't found anything so far. In the event that I don't find pictures that I like to use I might have to go take pictures to use. Once I actually make a cover or two I'll post them here for you to see.
Even though Thanksgiving is next week I saw this fun adorable edible turkey idea on Pinterest :) Next year I want to do something like this :)
Besides going to a party we got a lot of wind and rain on Sunday as well. A couple places got tornadoes as well. One town/city in my state got hit pretty hard by a tornado, so please say a prayer for them as they start rebuilding everything. Don't forget to pray for everyone in the Philippines who was affected by the typhoon that it not to long a go.
I apologies if my 2nd quick take was a little bit on the depressing side. Though this might not be considered depressing for some people, but tomorrow is the 50th anniversary of Doctor Who!!! and my mother, sisters and myself won't be able to watch it then because we have a million things to do that day. But we will watch it! When we do watch it I shall try to post my thoughts on it as soon as I possibly can, but I have to remember that I said that ;)
Since we are on the subject of writing I can't decide if I want to change the name of the story that I am doing for NaNoWriMo again or not. Like I usually say, we shall see ;) Because the story I'm doing is a modern/slightly medieval story I want to make a couple covers with modern/medieval feels to them but I haven't found anything so far. In the event that I don't find pictures that I like to use I might have to go take pictures to use. Once I actually make a cover or two I'll post them here for you to see.
Though I didn't take this picture *points to the picture* I want to do something like this for one of the pictures after my wedding if I get married. It would also be fun to take the picture as well.
For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!