31 Day Blog Challenge - Introduction
Welcome to 31 days of craziness here on my blog. It has been a while since I have said this, but I was on Pinterset not that long ago and as I was scrolling through I came across a blog challenge, called "31 Day Blog Challenge" or as I am going to call it "31DBC," I decided to do it. The purpose of this blog challenge is to learn something random about me each day. Day 1 is just a simple introduction about me and who I am, while not giving a ton away so that I still have something to talk about later.
Anyhow, as you probably already know from my "about me" page, I am a twenty-something Pro-life, Catholic college student who still lives at home. In college I am going part-time for my Associates in Applied Science for Administrative Assistant, and while I am doing that I am also working part time. When I am not working or in school I enjoy reading, writing, photography, knitting, and baking. Spending time with my fun, some times crazy, and lovable family is a priority we well.
Now that Ihave introduced myself again and explained about the challenge, I hope you stick around and enjoy reading everything that I will be posting over the next 30 days.