31 DBC: Meaning of My Business Name

If they mean the name of a real business, then I have nothing because I don't run a business. Being a part-time nanny doesn't count. But it they mean the name of your blog and the story behind it then I at least have something there. Since I don't have a personal business to run I am going to go with the meaning of the name behind my blog.

"Ask Jesus what he wants from you and be brave." - Pope Francis

The name for my blog is taken from the above quote by the pope. And I believe that it is so true because no matter what we face in life we have to be brave. Because it we aren't brave then who would stand up for what is right?

When I am not posting about knitting projects that I am currently working on, recipes or photography, I try to write posts that make people think. By writing and sharing those posts I am stepping outside of my comfort zone a little. So even if we are comfortable with doing and sharing many things there are many different ways for people to be brave, we just show it in different ways.


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