7 Quick Takes Friday

I was going to say something about school and how it was closed for President's Day and for something on Tuesday, but I wasn't sure if it was going to sound like I was complaining. So I decided not to write it and just explain what I was originally going to write instead :)
This past Saturday I went ice skating for this first time in five years. I went with Amanda, Aaliyah, Yavi and Yavi's friend S. Though I wasn't moving terribly fast on the ice I still had fun. It was S's first time skating since she is from Gahna.

As usual we were watching the Olympics on Sunday evening and the bobsledding was really interesting to watch. I always find it kind of cool and interesting when they compare two different teams/people on how fast they are on the course.

In case I haven't mentioned it before Yavi is part of a Catholic internet sit-com called Hope's Cafe, and they had a post about them on Catholicwideweb's Blog, which is cool. If you haven't seen any of the episodes you can find them here. Don't forget to follow them on Facebook (Hope's Cafe).
This is usually the time where I say/complain that I don't have anything to write about. But this week I have had to only borrow one picture from the internet instead of a couple.
This is what it looked like out by my house on Monday afternoon.

For more Quick Takes, visit Conversion Diary!


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