Disconnect to Reconnect

Disconnect to reconnect. No, I am not talking about disconnecting and reconnecting your internet at home. I am talking about real people and spending time with them. Disconnect from your phones and try reconnecting with the people around you. This is something that I struggle with a little, and I am trying to work on it. 

Photo by boram kim on Unsplash
While I am not an expert on this, but people often tend to say that they are being realistic with how much time they are spending on the internet, whether it is on their phone, computer, tablet, iPad, etc. But if you really take the time to look at it, that is just a lie. Because there is so much out there on the internet that pulls people into it and it can impact them negatively. In one of the daily reflection books by Norman Vincent Peale says that:

"When most people say they are being "realistic" they delude themselves; they are simply being negative."

But how does being realistic relate to disconnecting and reconnecting? Like I mentioned above, people say that they are being realistic when spending time on the internet. And that isn't the case. I don't know who said this originally but I felt that the following quote fit with what I am trying to say.

"To find peace, you have to be willing to lose your connection with the people, places, and things that create all the noise in your life."

So sometimes when we disconnect from the internet we need to reconnect with ourselves first before trying to reconnect with other people. I know that not everyone is able to do this. But a great way to start disconnecting is going away to someplace that doesn't have internet and leaving your phone locked in a drawer and just relaxing and enjoying what is around you. An example of this, without the locking up the phone part, is my grandparents used to own a house on a small lake in a different state and we got to pick a time when my family went up there together. Since there wasn't any wifi, no one was on their phones and we went swimming or took one of the boats out for a ride on the lake. And it was a very relaxing time for everyone. So just doing something like that can really help you. Whether you are disconnecting to reconnect with yourself or with friends. But doing something like that will make you realize how much time you spend on the internet and how it can negatively affect you and those around you.

Get offline. Free your mind. Go outside. Look up at the sky. Take in the beauty of the real world. Exchange a smile. Reclame free time. Update your state, not just your status. Disconnect to Reconnect.


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